Monday, September 28, 2009

Tasha Hill---Beating at Cracker Barrel in Morrow, Georgia

Tasha Hill---Beating at Cracker Barrel in Morrow,Georgia.
HERE is an INTERVIEW that gives us a little more information on the incident.

Question: If she spat on him, does that gives him just cause to assault her in any matter? Is race a factor? Should it be? How can we improve the quality of life for all races and especially for our kids?
Ginger Ellis is a sweetheart.....Troy West is a racist! Can he change, can racist people become non racist?

1 comment:

yalee said...

What is this country teaching its young men and adults? When is it ever justifiable for a MAN? to beat a WOMAN down as if she were less valued than an animal? You fight to protect and defend DOG's but debate if a beating in front of her child was some how provoked or not???? ISNT SHE A UNITED STATES ARMY SERVICE MEMBER? ISNT SHE A MOTHER?? WOW!!